
Bring to light a Brighter Complexion

The Aesthetics

Dermaplaning is an exfoliating procedure that uses a blade to exfoliate and remove the top layer of dead skin and vellus hair (peach fuzz) on the face to provide a smoother and brighter complexion. This layer of dead skin and excess hair leads to a build-up of dirt and oils in the pores and hair follicles. By removing the dead skin and hair, it also allows for easy application of makeup and deep penetration of topical skincare products.


Treatment Time: 30 mins

The Benefits

Dermaplaning can be performed every 4-6 weeks to maintain results

Treatment Time: 30-45 mins

For more information on our Dermaplaning treatment, pricing, or our other non-surgical treatment options, please contact us or schedule your Complimentary Consultation today!


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